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SKU 545 D Q2 Peso (Kg) 7.0000 Peso/volume per l'Italia 0 Peso/volume per estero 0 Loghi da utilizzare No - Recensioni
Recensioni utenti 1 item(s)
- We are more than satisfied, Thank you Thank you Thank you
We recíved our stuff 5/9, thank you for the fast delivery. This was the last time we order this year. We have all things that we need to finish this season. We would like to thank you for all the stuff we have got from you this year, and we are more than satisfied :-) Soon our season is over and maybe will win the leage this year. In sweden, tifo has got more attention by the fans, clubs and media. The newspapers are writing special reports on the "tifo scene" in sweden. Tifo has also, in a way, contributed to make it more exiting to go on our footballmatches, and the violence has allmost disapeared (exept derby´s against AIK and Hammarby). Tifo has allso made that more supporters come to the game (we have an average of about 11000, last year we had 6000, on the derby´s there comes about 30000) Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!!!!!! I L O V E Y O U. CHRISTIAN.
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